Monday, March 1, 2010

Naughty Naughty Nick Simmons

If you ever decide to plagiarize please try and pick a series that doesn't have one of the hugest fandoms ever. Maybe, just maybe, then you'll get away with it. Unless you encounter people like me...

Long story short Nick Simmons, I hope, is getting the beating of his life with a leather belt for plagiarizing Tite Kubo's manga BLEACH. He started a graphic novel called Incarnate but, as you can see from the pictures above, he copied/ traced/ whatever. Although the only series he's been called on officially for plagerizing is BLEACH I suspect there have been others. One of the characters looks pretty similar to Hellsing's Alucard and another Cowboy Bebop's Spike.

So yeah. Just don't plagiarize/ copy art. WE will know what you're doing. Because, even in the event that the series isn't well know, ONE OF US will FIND YOU.
Moral of the story:
Don't plagiarize

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